How many hours are there in a year (less than you think)

Think back to the last internal meeting you scheduled.

Nothing too major - one with 4-5 people.

A small catchup for an hour.

Would you keep it on the calendar if you had to pull out your work credit card and pay the $2100 required to cover the cost of that meeting?

That’s the point of a widget that Shopify created internally.

I don’t like it.

Because the numbers aren’t actually scary enough.

They don’t cover the ACTUAL COST of that additional snooze fest that’s hit the calendar.

When you're a revenue generator, it's not just the cost of keeping you on payroll that we should think about - it's also the opportunity cost of an hour spent not closing deals.

Let’s break it down

I'm using a single Account Executive with a $1m quota as an example here.

There are 365 days in a year

But 104 of those days are weekends

There are 11 Federal Holidays

And let’s say they take 2 weeks vacation

And have 5 sick days

We are now at 235 work days for the year

That's 1880 working hours

Now let's break down the hours in a day

General milling around, grabbing coffee, eating lunch etc… you’ve just lost 90 mins a day.

And some meetings are simply unavoidable. Let's be generous and say that's only an hour a day.

You now have 5.5 hours left per day.

You’ve now down to 1292.5 “working hours” in a year.

If you’ve got a $1m quota, every single hour needs generate $773.69… just to hit that number.

Why do I care about this so much?

Because I’ve hired more than 120 people into sales roles.

I’ve seen the beauty of an efficient recruiting process.

I also know the pain of a bad recruiting process.

I’ve watched candidates who were the clients first choice take offers elsewhere because it took a week too long to get back to them with next steps.

Or the client decided a surprise last step was needed.

It’s why I started Next Venture - to help CEOs of venture backed startups hire great salespeople, without wasting large amounts of their time.

Because as a founder, each hour of your time is going to need to generate a lot more than $773.69

If you’d like to learn more about my approach - book a time to speak with me here

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